Disney's most beloved duo, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, are featured in this sweet scene by Thomas Kinkade Studios. On Kinkade's Sweetheart Bridge, Mickey and Minnie hold hands, surrounded by a vivid, colorful cottage garden. The image is made entirely of acrylic. The translucent properties allow natural light to illuminate the beautiful colors and detail.
This collectible measures approximately 3.5"� from chin to ear and 4"� from ear to nose! <
✅ 4" x 3.5" mickey-shaped hanging acrylic print. Image visible from both sides.
✅ Image's colors and details are illuminated and emphasized in natural light
✅ Design is fused directly and permanently into durable, scratch-resistant acrylic.
✅ Made in the USA with imported parts
✅ Clean with a soft microfiber cloth provided. Arrives in a storage gift bag!
We create images that are actually made of acrylic! We take your favorite images and fuse them permanently and directly into light-catching, long-lasting acrylic collectibles. Hang anywhere in your home year-round with the hanging string provided. The semi-translucent properties of the print allow the colors and details to be illuminated from within by natural light.
© Disney. Mickey and Minnie Sweetheart Bridge © 2016 Thomas Kinkade Studios