Ten years after initially meeting, Anakin Skywalker shares a forbidden romance with Padme Amidala, while Obi-Wan investigates an assassination attempt on the senator and discovers a secret clone army crafted for the Jedi. - From IMDB
Starring: Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor
- Special Edition plaque with Star Wars Logo
- This framed collectible also features an image of the official poster for Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, a certificate of authenticity, and one clip of real 35mm film from the movie
✅ 7" x 5" Black mdf frame
✅ Contains real film from the movie
✅ Comes with an easel back for easy display
✅ Trend Setters embossed/foiled Certificate of Authenticity
FilmCells™ Presentations
Each officially licensed FilmCells™ Presentation is carefully made with a high attention to perfection and detail. Presentations are double-matted, placed in a quality frame, and contain a clear front and back that allows natural light to enhance the film frames. Each piece of film is hand-cut from reels to provide you with the best possible scenes. The film strip portrayed in the image above is only an example of the film cells you may receive as each presentation is cut and compiled from film reels by hand. Individual cell cuts will vary from piece to piece. These features add up to a unique and exceptional collectible that looks great in any room.